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Vote for the Caz Life
2024 Community
Greenleaf Awards!


Submit your nominations below for the inaugural Community Greenleaf Awards! Winners will be announced at the Annual Caz Life Meeting on October 29, 2024 at the Lincklaen House.


The Community Greenleaf Awards are awarded  by Caz Life to honor individuals who have made unique and lasting contributions to the Cazenovia community.  Winners all share a love for Cazenovia, a reverence for its lovely lake,and natural landscape, its shops, restaurants, and many professional services, and a spirit of preserving and also enhancing the lifestyle of its community members, and future generations.


This category honors a person who visualizes a Cazenovia that has never been created. They are typically dreamers, who are not stilted by the existing norms.  They work tirelessly to make their dream real, as part of every day life in Cazenovia, for the benefit of others.


Cazenovia is fortunate to have a cadre of professionals who are critical to Cazenovia’s success. This person not only excels in their field, but works to ensure that their expertise has far reaching benefits to the broader Cazenovia community.



The Unsung Hero is the person in Cazenovia who does extraordinary work for others, and doesn’t seek recognition for their efforts and accomplishments. Their work is motivated by a love for others and their community.

Find Out The Winners at the Community Celebration: Spooky Soiré

Join us for our annual dinner at the Lincklaen House on Oct 29th from 6-9pm, featuring live music by Jess Novak, complimentary tarot readings, live auction, raffle baskets and more!

Make Your Nominations!

Visionary Persistence Nominee

Professional Excellence Nominee

Unsung Heroics Nominee

Thanks for submitting!


was a photographer who lived in Cazenovia in the late 1800’s, and was active in the abolitionist movement. The famous Fugitive Slave Convention was held in Cazenovia in 1850, and was the largest fugitive slave event ever held in the United States. 2000 people attended including Frederick Douglas, Gerritt Smith, along with 50 fugitive slaves. Greenleaf Weld photographed the group, in what is now a famous daguerreotype. 


The group was vehemently opposed to the Fugitive Slave Law, which prosecuted both fugitive slaves and those who helped them, even if they escaped to states where slavery was outlawed.

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