The 23rd year of the Caz Triathlon is back on August 20th, 2023.
Be your best at this event with three simple steps!
Now if you have never done a triathlon, select a category that you have some comfort with such as being part of a relay team - swim or bike or run with a team of your friends! The Aqua-Bike includes a .5 mile swim and a 13.6 mile bike, or you could try the Sprint Bike-Run which is a 13.6 mile bike, then a 3.1 mile run. Kids 16 and older are welcome to register for the Caz Triathlon.
For more experienced folks, the Sprint distance is a .5 mile swim on a well marked, out and back swim course, a 13.6 mile bike ride on scenic country roads, and a 3.1 mile run supported with water and friendly faces along the way. Or you might want to try the Olympic distance race, which is a mile swim around two laps of the swim course, two laps of the bike course which makes 24.8miles and a 6.2 mile total run.
#2 Join us for FREE Training
Take advantage of free training from experienced athletes on Sat 7/22, Sat 7/29, and Sun 8/13 at Lakeside Park (the one with the slide).
#3 Bring your Cheer Squad!
Let them volunteer at this festive and fun Caz event! The Tri-bug is easily caught and our countryside lends itself to lots of fun swimming, riding and running in a relaxing setting.
I love questions, so don’t be afraid to email me at chary@charygriffin.com or the CNY Triathlon Club President Rich Oneil at richoneil5305@gmail.com for more inspiration!